Singapore is among the best-managed economy in the entire world. Its state wealth is
Narrated by Tom Mckay
Video Edited by Iyanbriandi
0:00 The Massive Wealth
2:22 Official Foreign Reserves
3:31 The GIC
4:45 Temasek Holdings
6:26 The Contribution
7:47 The Wealth Funds
Brought to you by the Behind Asian Team.
All the paid comments here
It’s all about sucking money from citizens
Wow. So much reserve and still want to keep increasing taxes
Not ricket science. They just import rich people, to help them to keep their money. No questions asked.
Singapore does not have any oil, any natural resources, any hinterland. It has to import most of its food. It also has very limited land. But it’s the old guards like Lee Kwan Yew and Goh Keng Swee with their depth of foresight and a capable team that helped to build its reserves to what it is today. Good honest and prudent governance is what Singapore has been blessed with. Temasek, GIC, MAS are our 3 pillars of financial security.
Wealth may still be created if you are not endowed with it or possess little, like Singapore. Invest heavily in your people as Singapore did and continues to do so. Then, when wealth is generated, spend wisely, save regularly, invest for the future. At all times, apply zero tolerance for corruption at the highest echelons and all the way downstream. Work hard. Work smart. Be nimble and adaptable. Harness technology. Cut waste. Maintain efficiency at all levels. Oh, so much more.
They become rich by manipulating neghboring countries. They are like the agent or governor to the Western countries to rob neighbor counties’ assets. They fool and cooperate with corruptive goveernment of neighboring countries in order to do or not to do some policies that won’t benefit for neighbor countries but will benefit their country. The simple example, one neighbor country has to import fuel from singapore as you know Sg has not crude oil resources at all. Singaporeans are devilish people.
Chinese have bodybuilders ?????!!!¡!
Indian got bodybuilders ???????????????¿?