Today I am making a coin ring from Swedish five kronor coin!
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If you like me to make you a custom coin ring please let me know. I film me making your ring and post the whole process from start to finish on YouTube for you to watch and hopefully enjoy.
My channel ►► by Your Finger My Ring
00:00 – intro
00:33 – making a centered hole in the coin
01:56 – deburring the coin
03:56 – annealing the coin
05:24 – folding the coin
06:15 – finishing edges with sandpaper
06:51 – stretching the ring to size & annealing the ring
11:01 – reducing the ring
11:31 – deburring the lip
13:42 – polishing the ring
18:21 – outro
Nicely done those Kronors’ polish up nicely. Did you not mention cufflinks not too long ago? Is that what you are making?
Five kronor worth about 70 cents us dollars , but all coins make a nice ring , mercury dimes , and one dollar coins the goldish bronze color are two that id really have to charge extra on cause they are tough on the equipment…but that’s me ….
The one dollar kinda bronze colored American coin makes a nice ring but a little tough on bending even if you anneal it …
cuff links?