Singapore is growing old, fast. By 2050, it’s estimated that half the population will be 65 and older. But the government thinks they have a solution — paying couples to have a baby. But will it work?
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Singapore is growing old, fast. By 2050, it’s estimated that half the population will be 65 and older. But the government thinks they have a solution — paying couples to have a baby. But will it work?
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If the government just give me the money and they take care of the baby then sure no problem or hell no
it’s almost end of 2023 now. The birth rate is still declining. =)
That’s pretty pathetic. U mean to tell me folks in Singapore are being bribed to have kids? That’s pretty sad lol.
Having kids are a SCAM …don’t reproduce at all guys are just bringing more suffering and misery to this terrible world.
The government does not appreciate how much it costs to raise a child in Singapore , and how little time people have to look after them , due to excessive time spent at work inefficiently . Young people cannot even afford a home today due to excessively high prices
Singapore has failed to control its population . In the beginning it restricted births etc , then allowed a massive influx of foreigners , the majority of whom do not understand integration . Its population is now excessive , and unsustainable . Singapore has done no better job in population management than any developed country , and did not learn from other countries . All these failings are the responsibility of its politicians