When people tell you that GESARA and the debt forgiveness can’t happen, I ask you to solve the unsolvable about the world’s debt. People in China have two million in Yuan debt (which is about 300K for America) and not only can’t pay their debts back with funds: their bank accounts are frozen, their credit scores are shared with their contacts, no one would give money to someone who has no money to pay them back. IT IS UNSOLVEABLE. Debt forgiveness is coming!
#gesaranesara #gesara #debtlimit #debtnegotiation #chinesedebt #debt #yuan #dollar #unsolveabledebt
DrScottYoung.com to download Understanding the QFS!
What in the world is NESARA/GESARA? How could they affect me? I have heard about the concept of the Red Pill but I don’t know how to apply it? What is going on in the the world after Trump got out of office? Is the EBS a real thing? How will my life change? To buy the book – Revelations of the Red Pill click here –
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They do this in Australia if you try to get 10,000 of your own money from the bank they ask all those same questions and may not allow you to take it. The 4 major banks in Australia NAB, ANZ, Commonwealth Bank or Westpark bank can’t fail has the are backed by taxpayers money.
ROLL’N ROLL’N ROLL’N RAAAAWW- HIDE !!! so sorry. Just the KANSAS KID IN ME. Watching the Herd driven to the Stock- yards. So to speak. Wakee Wakee.
No cattle were harmed in this comment, just a LOT OF SADLE SOR-ASIS.
Are you setting up med bed appointments ? I ask because you or someone pretending to be you asked to be my friend on Facebook . And they were trying to make a med bed appointment for me . He told me it would cost 350 dollars . I was thinking it might be a scam , because aren’t the med beds free to use ? Please get back to me . Thank you .