Ned Naylor-Leyland, Partner at Cheviot Asset Management, and James Turk, Founder/Chairman of GoldMoney and Director of The GoldMoney Foundation, discuss the importance of educating the people on sound money. For that purpose Cheviot organized the Sound Money Conference on the 27th of January, 2011. Ned thinks gold bugs have a realistic view on this world and discusses the practicalities of implementing gold and silver as money. He sees a role for gold and silver as settlement currencies. Also corporates can benefit from sound money. Although the sound money movement does a good job educating retail customers, there is a lot of room to educate CFOs as well, as they can use gold and silver to reduce payment risks. James makes a clear distinction between money and credit. James and Ned compare different currencies to invest in. Ned refers to the Norwegian Krone as the ‘best looking horse in the glue factory’. He hopes that more and more people will be caught by the ‘truth-virus’ that is sound money.
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ok, I am sorry to ask, but does anyone know the exact date the Pan Asian Gold Exchange open? I have seen and heard everything from A week to next June. When is it?