香港著名茶樓六安居!終於吃到了!140元吃到飽!最傳統!3元叮叮車遊香港!深圳到尖沙咀42元!交通路線推薦!美食探店!旅遊美食攻略!人氣最爆!dimsum!Food Tour in HongKong!


#香港 #旅遊 #香港美食

餐廳消費:乾蒸 $32,黑椒牛孖筋 $32,牛肉球 $32,臘腸卷 $28
香港電車(英文:Hong Kong Tramways)是香港的電車系統,來往香港島東區的筲箕灣至中西區的堅尼地城,另有環形支線來往跑馬地,每日平均接載18萬人次的乘客,是全球現存唯一全數採用雙層電車的電車系統(另外有英國黑池電車和埃及亞歷山大港電車部分線路使用雙層電車,非全數採用)及最大的服務中雙層電車車隊。
香港電車在1904年投入服務,是香港歷史悠久的機動公共交通工具之一,僅次於香港纜車和天星小輪,它不僅是香港島的地標,也是外地旅客觀光的著名景點。經歷百年來的變遷,香港電車現由法國交通發展集團與巴黎大眾運輸公司一起合資的公司威立雅交通-巴黎大眾運輸亞洲有限公司(RATP Dev Transdev Asia)旗下的香港電車有限公司經營。 2020年10月起,RATP Dev Group 全面收購RATP Dev Transdev Asia,自此全資擁有香港電車。
Hong Kong Tramways (English: Hong Kong Tramways) is a tram system in Hong Kong, running between Shau Kei Wan in the Eastern District of Hong Kong Island and Kennedy Town in the Central and Western Districts, with a circular branch line running between Happy Valley and Hong Kong Island. It carries an average of 180,000 passengers per day. It is the only existing tram system in the world that uses double-decker trams (in addition, some routes of the Blackpool Tram in the UK and the Alexandria Tram in Egypt use double-decker trams, but not all of them) and the largest fleet of double-decker trams in service.
Hong Kong Tramways was put into service in 1904. It is one of the oldest motorized public transportation vehicles in Hong Kong, second only to the Hong Kong Cable Car and the Star Ferry. It is not only a landmark of Hong Kong Island, but also a famous tourist attraction for foreign tourists. After a century of changes, Hong Kong Tramways is now operated by Hong Kong Tramways Limited, a subsidiary of Veolia Transport-Paris Public Transport Asia Limited (RATP Dev Transdev Asia), a joint venture between the French Transport Development Group and the Paris Public Transport Company. Since October 2020, RATP Dev Group has fully acquired RATP Dev Transdev Asia and has since wholly owned Hong Kong Tramways.
The total length of Hong Kong Tramways is about 30 kilometers, and all sections are built on the road. The entire Kennedy Town to Shau Kei Wan section is double-track, and the Happy Horse section is a 2.6-kilometer single-track.
Hong Kong Tramways currently operates 6 partially overlapping lines connecting Kennedy Town to Shau Kei Wan, serving the public from 5 am to 12 midnight every day. Tram schedules and stations are frequent, with a tram arriving at the station every 1 minute on average, and tram stations on all lines are located on the ground (unlike MTR stations which are located underground), which is most convenient for passengers on short-distance routes; schedules and destinations may be changed due to traffic conditions.
聖約翰座堂(英語:The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Evangelist)座落於香港中區花園道4-8號,是香港聖公會香港島教區的主教座堂。
聖約翰座堂的木門,傳說是由在香港保衛戰被英軍自行炸沉的添馬艦(HMS Tamar)的艦身木材所製,但此傳說的真確性則備受質疑。第二次世界大戰期間,座堂運作陷於癱瘓。
The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Evangelist is located at 4-8 Garden Road, Central District, Hong Kong. It is the cathedral of the Hong Kong Island Diocese of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui.
The foundation stone of St. John’s Cathedral was laid by Hong Kong Governor Davis on March 11, 1847. The construction was completed in 1849 and worship began on March 11 of the same year. On September 19, 1852, the first bishop of the Victoria Diocese, Bishop Simifu, consecrated the cathedral. It is the oldest Western church building in Hong Kong and the only land held in Hong Kong in the form of freehold ownership. The cathedral is mainly composed of three main buildings.


★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★

★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★

★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★


★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★


00:00 Intro
00:46 深圳羅湖東門/出發前往香港/抵達蓮塘口岸/超級多人
07:28 登上永東巴士/43元一位直達尖沙咀
14:27 抵達港鐵中環站/搭乘叮叮車
22:08 上環海味街/六安居飲茶
25:33 乾蒸/黑椒牛孖筋/牛肉球/臘腸捲
33:36 馬會買六合彩飛/中環煤氣燈街
42:42 聖約翰主教座堂/纜車總站
44:43 Ending
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6 件のコメント

  • 下次你可以在深圳坐地鐵去皇崗口岸過關會快好多!過關后有好多唔同去各區嘅直通巴士,上車拍8達通就得好快開車

  • 豆泥茶居,-般都係中產下階層才去六安居。大部分都係區內人才去。西營盤大部分低收入人士住在此區域。

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