#郭正亮 :人民币国际化又迈一大步!去港币脱美元开放金融市场!香港资本市场属性重要!#shorts

9 件のコメント

  • Dpp taiwan cheating bragging
    Dpp Democracy is false
    Don’t trust the politicians
    Dpp is incompetent
    Vote Dpp Taiwan is over
    Don’t trust the Dpp
    The Dpp deceives the people
    Taiwanese have accidents Overseas
    Taiwanese diaspora oversea Taiwan Government can’t help
    Only rely on the china government to Help trandslate
    Taiwanese come on wakeup wakeup

  • 点赞支持!!❤让那些反中、害中、乱中的人都去死吧!!!世界上没有这些作恶多端的人会更好!更和平….这里世界发展的趋势!!!

  • 連你都不敢大量收購人民幣了,還敢大言不慚地說人民幣取代美金。

  • コメントを残す

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