#香港 #美食 #Hongkong
維多利亞港(簡稱維港;英語:Victoria Harbour)是位於香港的海港,位於香港島與九龍半島之間,兩岸均為香港中心商業區。由於水深港闊,香港亦因此有「東方之珠」的美譽。
在過海隧道和鐵路未興建前,渡海小輪是往來維多利亞港兩岸的唯一交通工具;香港的渡輪事業亦曾一時興盛。最早的渡輪公司是約在1888年成立的“九龍渡海小輪公司”,由一位波斯拜火教教徒Dorabujee Naorojee Mithaiwala創辦,來往尖沙咀與中環。 1898年,九龍倉收購“九龍渡海小輪公司”,並把“九龍渡海小輪公司”,易名為“天星小輪公司”。
Victoria Harbour (abbreviated as Victoria Harbour; English: Victoria Harbour) is a seaport located in Hong Kong, between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Peninsula, with both sides of the harbor being the central business district of Hong Kong. Due to its deep water and wide harbor, Hong Kong is also known as the “Pearl of the Orient”.
The British saw the potential of Victoria Harbour as an excellent port in East Asia. Later, during the First Opium War and the Second Opium War, they signed the Treaty of Nanjing and the Treaty of Beijing to cede Hong Kong from the Qing Dynasty, and built Hong Kong with Victoria Harbour as the center, as a base to develop its maritime trade in the Far East. Victoria Harbour has always dominated the development of Hong Kong’s economy and tourism industry, and is one of the keys to Hong Kong’s becoming an international metropolis.
The night view on both sides of Victoria Harbour is a famous tourist attraction in the world and one of the three major night views in the world. Since Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Peninsula are full of high-rise buildings, after nightfall, the lights of the buildings make the two sides of Victoria Harbour shine against each other.
Cheapflights.com, a well-known American travel website, selected Hong Kong as the first of the “Top Ten Skylines” cities.
Before the construction of the cross-harbour tunnel and railway, the ferry was the only means of transportation between the two sides of Victoria Harbour; the ferry industry in Hong Kong was also prosperous for a time. The earliest ferry company was the “Kowloon Ferry Company” established around 1888 by a Persian Zoroastrian Dorabujee Naorojee Mithaiwala, which traveled between Tsim Sha Tsui and Central. In 1898, Wharf Holdings acquired the “Kowloon Ferry Company” and renamed it the “Star Ferry Company”.
Hong Kong’s development has always been centered on Hong Kong Island. However, with the development of Kowloon, the public’s demand for ferries between Hong Kong and Kowloon has become increasingly strong. In the early 20th century, 16 ferry companies operated routes from Central to Yau Ma Tei, Mong Kok and Sham Shui Po. However, due to too many companies operating, confusion easily arose. Therefore, the Hong Kong government granted the franchise to the “Four-Yue Neighborhood Steamship Company” to operate ferry services between Hong Kong and Kowloon in 1919. On January 1, 1924, the franchise of the “Four-Yue Neighborhood Steamship Company” expired, and the service was taken over by the Hong Kong Yau Ma Tei Ferry Company Limited.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:32 香港尖沙咀港鐵站/梳士巴利道/突降大雨
05:27 K11餐廳價格驚人/尖東碼頭水上的士
11:33 星光大道/偶遇香港多啦A 夢展覽活動
18:34 尖沙咀鐘樓/天星碼頭/雞蛋仔
23:50 搭乘渡輪過海/抵達灣仔金紫荊廣場
29:54 油麻地小吃/辣魚蛋/魚肉燒賣/牛乳梳芙厘/炸大腸/炸臭豆腐
42:20 Ending
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歡迎嚟到油麻地,通達既魚蛋係好出名,下次可以試碗仔翅。AM PM既疏乎厘蛋糕都好好食,我都好鍾意幫襯。
As a Hongkongese, the skyline of Hong Kong and the Street Cuisine in Hong Kong hasn’t change, that’s not suitable of my stomach, and exspecially the Services of manners in Hong Kong’s Restaurant are can’t telling, that is made me turns myself. I rather come up to China, Thailand, South Korea, Vietnam and Laos that good service restaurant for dine.
Hong Kong and Macao restaurants, that’s impoosible to patronize (If this is not for livehood) Unless restaurants is a smaller not famous, others I must leave away from Hong Kong and Macao to dines at the location that before I mentions them.
Your daughter sounds like a respectful kid! I think you will be saving money and time by taking taxi to HSR, from China directly to west Kowloon. Walking towards the ferry pier or taking an Uber or bus will be quick too.
Star Ferry is under the portfolio of Wharf. There are many corporations are doing business but also at the same time serving the citizen and tourist alike. It’s logistic. It’s commute. It’s living within a community so not everything is under money making scheme but an agree upon arrangement to have a society living in harmony. Ergo, we have these wonderful facilities, landmarks, memories. We know that we need to make sure the upkeep of public properties even though it’s managed by a business entity. A business hires people to serve us, just like people who clean the streets, empty trash cans, keeping everything clean, making sure when the ground is wet, it will be cleaned and dried so no one will be harmed by falling down. Ultimately, it is an agreeable etiquette like a lot of countries around the world, it’s not about money per se although it is but we do have caring towards people who work in the service department. They are people as well, they deserve to be respected when they do their job. Ultimately their respect is the respect from us, the people who live in the city or coming to visit, help keeping the city clean and lessen their workload. So everyone’s happy.
It is something that we learn from the beginning of time—if you have the rights to use it, you also have the responsibility to keep it tidy. Such as clean up after you use, you eat etc. most people treat others civil. Like you won’t let your mom clean up after you. Same thing, you don’t want to let an old lady to work all days to clean up after you eat. We all do a little bit so they can have an easier work easier day happy day.
That’s the mentality of hongkong society that’s what I’m trying to convey.
we want our city to smell good not the other way round.
畢先生, 多謝及歡迎你蒞臨和介紹香港. 你們到元朗冰室午飯, 其實在石硤尾或深水埗站步行過去也差不多距離. 你們到深水埗可以行行鴨寮街(深水埗站A2/C2出口), 福榮/福華街有好多美食小店, 黃金電腦商場. 布行在基隆街和大南街(由南昌街開始).到油麻地可以行行生果批發市場(果欄). 而香港的飲食文化, 一般茶餐廳, 茶樓, 大xx等快餐店在2pm(或2:30pm)後便是特價下午茶時段… 歡迎下次再來停留多2-3日, 可以去大嶼山的寶蓮寺, 大澳等遊纜
Welcome to our beautiful city! 希望你們玩得愉快!吃得開心!有空常來呀!