My Salary in Singapore vs Japan

How much did I earn as an office worker in Singapore and Japan? I decided to become completely transparent and share you my salary in both countries. As said in the video, my salary was significantly higher in Singapore but one of the reasons is that I had good experience in digital marketing and my age was 28. (I was only 26 in Japan)

What are some other differences in working in Japan vs Singapore? I compared job scope, working hour, amount of paid leaves and working culture etc. I’m just talking from MY experience – ultimately everything depends on your company, occupation and team.

🎥Watch – Working Culture in Singapore vs Japan

📙Read – Complete Guide on Finding Your 1st Job in Singapore (Sorry, Japanese Only)

Need help settling in Singapore? Email me, I might be able to help!

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#Singapore #Japan #salary

9 件のコメント

  • could you do one with working in australia and singapore? probably interview an australian in singapore? curious

  • Japanese salaries it seems to be really poor. I think in mist developed countries earning $22000, you wouldn’t be taxed. In Japan you were earning less than minimum wage (compared to UK, Germany, Australia) and definitely less tan minimum wage

  • There are also many industries that do long hours and 24/7 too in Spore. My colleagues and I used to start work at 7am and clock out at 8:30pm-10pm from Mon to Sat and Sun either half day or full day depending on your work. Not forgetting I had to bring home my work too to keep abreast of the work. That took 35 years of my life. Leave taking was minimal and we easily accumulate from 40-70 days and more for some until HR came out with ruling. Initially we could exchange for cash but later had to use up the annual leave within 2 yrs or lose it.

  • I’m Harry Styles I gotta should daily’s textbooks
    Dear Singapore
    Every now is that called a man rusty is the teacher old guy is rumour has a Singapore right there probably a little action commercial but unveiled a a couple even better tracks campaign for tickets Concert was really the best Sunday night in um can’t learn to do drums so we campaign for people don’t feel like a another until stopped in egalitarian it this old man needs a prankster because drink is absolutely amazing peace of love love coming your taste is designed for community spirit of course you will teasers
    Special Thanks

  • Hi thought of clarifying that workman isn’t referring to white collar worker. It is still referring to workers who take on manual work. Overtime pay for white collar workers is only eligible to those drawing below 2.6k

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