GBP/JPY2023.12.16 phg12244 DON’T TRADE GBPJPY! THIS IS WHY! @mambafx ツイート シェア はてブ LINE Pocket ツイート シェア はてブ LINE Pocket feedly 8 件のコメント Nonsense ffs 返信する This dude has been proven to be a fraund. Your welcome. 返信する Prefer GJ than boring EU 返信する He is BOSS on this. The more popular a pair the more it is manipulated. You should still watch GBPJPY for scalping but the less popular trades are the ones that have longer trades for profit. 返信する Mamba is the biggest scammer of the world 返信する The whole market is manipulated. Your best bet is to take your pound of flesh out and keep at it. 返信する be ict trader on gj simple 返信する Every trading pairs are manipulated 返信する コメントを残す コメントをキャンセルメールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 ※ が付いている欄は必須項目ですコメント ※ 名前 ※ メール ※ サイト 次回のコメントで使用するためブラウザーに自分の名前、メールアドレス、サイトを保存する。 Δ
He is BOSS on this. The more popular a pair the more it is manipulated. You should still watch GBPJPY for scalping but the less popular trades are the ones that have longer trades for profit. 返信する
The whole market is manipulated. Your best bet is to take your pound of flesh out and keep at it. 返信する
Nonsense ffs
This dude has been proven to be a fraund. Your welcome.
Prefer GJ than boring EU
He is BOSS on this. The more popular a pair the more it is manipulated. You should still watch GBPJPY for scalping but the less popular trades are the ones that have longer trades for profit.
Mamba is the biggest scammer of the world
The whole market is manipulated. Your best bet is to take your pound of flesh out and keep at it.
be ict trader on gj simple
Every trading pairs are manipulated