Driving in Karlskrona City Blekinge Sweden

Driving in the city of Karlskrona in spring was a real treat with the nice view of the city and also with the streets lined with green trees. The trees have young green leaves and the air in the city was so fresh.
Karlskrona is a city in Blekinge Län (County) in Sweden.
It is also the capital of Blekinge. Karlskrona is known as Sweden’s only baroque city and is host to Sweden’s only remaining naval base and is also the headquarters of the Swedish Coast Guard.

Video is edited with Cyberlink’s PowerDirector Mobile App.

Video Music #1: ”We Are Always Together” by Denis
Video Music #2: ”Les Yeux Dans Les Yeux” by Release Studio

This music is from Shutterstock, which is a part of Cyberlink’s PowerDirector Mobile App and therefore licenced to users of Cyberlink’s PowerDirector Mobile App.

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Driving in Karlskrona City Blekinge Sweden
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