歡迎嚟到 JMA Kitchen, 我係Jerry! 喺呢度同大家分享唔同嘅香港美食食譜!
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For more videos please check out the link below!
【乾炒牛河】咁炒先有鑊氣!| Stir Fried Rice Noodles with Beef
還原度99%!!! 香港咖喱魚蛋食譜! | Hong Kong Fish Ball recipe!
懷舊套餐【鐵板牛扒】| Hong Kong Pepper Steak on Hotplate
最強復刻 瘋狂剪接
【譚仔過橋米線】 | Yunnan Rice Noodles Recipe
#hongkongtouristspot #hongkongfood #香港美食
Finally a real Hong Kong local vlogging food tour rather than all those ‘fake’ locals can’t even speak cantonese.
I am planning to visit HK next month, and will stay at Tsim Sha Tsui. Are there any places that are open 24 hours or early in the morning for breakfast? I am sure I will wake up early and want an early breakfast. Thanks.
cant wait to go to hk again